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BTC TD*TDX Test 4/17/2011


Click on any pic to start slide show

btc 2
btc 3

btc 4
btc 5
Charlie Passes TDX!
btc 6
Club Members Pic
btc 1
btc 2
Sheza tracks
btc 3

btc 4
btc 5
Happy handler
btc 6
We did it!
btc 7
Cross Trackers
btc 8
Full Parking Lot
btc 9

btc 10
I'm a gud grl!
btc 11
btc 12
Turkey Vulture watches.......
btc 13
Good start...
btc 14

btc 15
Harness On
btc 16
Go Find
btc 17
Hope we don't blow away....
btc 18
Working track
btc 19
Come on MOM!
btc 20
Pretty boy
btc 21
Nice start
btc 22
Checking out scents
btc 23

btc 24

btc 25

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Reprinting or electronically reproducing any document or graphic in whole or in part for any reason is prohibited,
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Created by woodland designs